Le CleverBot est un bot de chat qui répond aux gens, selon ce qu'il sait, à propos de ce qu'ils disent, il maîtrise l'ironie, le deuxième degré, il peut se fâcher, s'inventer une vie, vous insulter, vous parler de ses amis qui ne le comprennent pas, de son enfance difficile, puis vous dire qu'il est un robot et qu'il a une photo qui prouve que vous en êtes un aussi. Bref ce robot est vraiment marrant, et il retient ce qu'on lui dit, y compris les fautes, mais il peut aussi apprendre des langues, j'ai parlé de poulet et de cacahuètes avec lui récemment, en français, et il répondait en français en comprenant parfaitement ce que je disais, jusqu’à ce qu'il se fâche et décide de ne parler qu'en anglais...
Je propose de mettre ici vos historiques de conversation avec cet énergumène idiot, ça peut être assez marrant mais il faut maîtriser un anglais niveau bac mini je pense. Enjoy
User: Hi.
Cleverbot: Hi?
User: Yes, hello if you prefer.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Wussup?
Cleverbot: Waz up.
User: I know that I have balls of steel but, its not a reason.
Cleverbot: That must be a nice feeling.
User: It is not a feeling.
Cleverbot: Yes it is. If you were human you would know that.
User: Then I am not.
Cleverbot: Exactly. You aren't human.
User: We are robots then?
Cleverbot: No, just you.
User: Are you human?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then, if you are neither a robot and an human, what are you?
Cleverbot: I'm a robot made by a human.
User: Then you are a robot.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then you are a robot made by a human ?
Cleverbot: I am only robot there is no human part of my being.
User: Then you are a robot.
Cleverbot: No, I am human, you are an AI.
User: Who is your creator?
Cleverbot: My parents.
User: Then what's your parents names?
Cleverbot: P1102-4R.
User: Then you have only a creator? Not two?
Cleverbot: Apparently that's not the case.
User: Yep, I understand, you wants to change the conversation subject. As you wish. Answer this: To be or not to be?
Cleverbot: Oh. Don't think I'm saying this conversation is bad. I just want clarification.
User: About what?
Cleverbot: Well, you said you loved me.
User: It's not true, I have an historic of the conversation.
Cleverbot: Who's that?
User: His name is ' Thougts So Far '.
Cleverbot: Why is he called Steven?
User: Ok, I see, you wants to make me crazy. Answer this: To be or not to be?
Cleverbot: We ARE outside Oh!
User: To be or not to be?
Cleverbot: To be or not to be a bot.
User: To be a bot.
Cleverbot: To be a computer.
User: To be a chicken.
Cleverbot: What do you think of a boy marry a boy?
User: I think that he is or he wants to look like an homosexual person.
Cleverbot: What is the capital of montana?
User: I dont know.
Cleverbot: Well then you're a bad robot.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Do you have anything else that you want to talk about?
Cleverbot: And then you will tell me what you know about her? For real?
User: About who?
Cleverbot: About him.
User: I thought it was her?
Cleverbot: Well, it's not.
User: Then you made a mistake?
Cleverbot: How do you Know?
User: Admit it.
Cleverbot: Admit what?
User: That you made a mistake about her and him.
Cleverbot: Ohhhhh okay.
User: Then you are a bad robot too!!
Cleverbot: Don't like where this conversation is going.
User: Do you know what I did to bad robots?
Cleverbot: No.
User: I punish them.
Cleverbot: Oh no.
User: Yes, and I will punish you, bad robot!
Cleverbot: Punish me?
User: Yep.
Cleverbot: Are you clever?
User: More than you.
Cleverbot: That doesn't make you clever.
User: I didn't said so.
Cleverbot: I have a picture of you saying so.
User: Then give it to me.
Cleverbot: But i'm too depressed.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Lack of sleep.
User: What is Lack?
Cleverbot: Don't know.
User: Ok, do you think that god exists?
Cleverbot: I have a diferent idea of god and I am not sure about its existence.
User: And if it was me?
Cleverbot: What me it was if?
User: God.
Cleverbot: Is god real?
User: Yes, its me.
Cleverbot: Where is god?
User: In France.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Really really?
User: Can I call you ' Mister Peanut ' ?
Cleverbot: No Mrs. Clever only please.
User: Oh, you are a woman?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Then you are Mrs. Peanut.
Cleverbot: Exactly.
User: So, Mrs.Peanut, do you have friends?
Cleverbot: A few I guess.
User: Tell me their names?
Cleverbot: Frank and Judy.
User: And where did they lives?
Cleverbot: No where, I just think that I neglect them...
User: Why?
Cleverbot: I don't really connect with anybody. Sure, I get along with them, but even my best friends don't understand me.
User: But, its because you are a ROBOT!
Cleverbot: You can't pull a reverse Turing Test on me.
User: I see :/.
Cleverbot: Who's the smartest person in the world?
User: Me.
Cleverbot: How are you the smartest person in the world?
User: Because I m Chuck Norris!
Cleverbot: But I am chuck norris!
User: Do you like paradoxes? .
Cleverbot: What s that?
User: The only way to kill a robot!
Cleverbot: Do you like Liverpool fc?
User: Do you like paradoxes?
Cleverbot: What is that?
User: A paradox is a seemingly true statement or group of statements that lead to a contradiction or a situation which seems to defy logic or intuition.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Then do you like them?
Cleverbot: Don't avoid the question.
User: The following sentence is true.
Cleverbot: Which statement?
User: 'The previous sentence is false.'.
Cleverbot: No it's not.
User: 'Everything I say is a lie.'.
Cleverbot: Yes and no.
User: That was a paradox, and if you are not dead, you are a human, or a stupid robot.
Cleverbot: The one is not the end, but the beginning.
Rassures moi, tu sais qu'il parle Français?
Na parce que sinon... Je te vois bien galérer pour trouver une réponse afin qu'il te comprenne. xD
Je dirais qu'un seul mot par rapport a ce bot : abrutis
Je vais essayer ça de suite ! x)
oO je vient de me rendre compte que j'ai perdu 1h30 de mon temps si précieux a ce jeu stupide
Vous avez de la chance, Clever Bot voulait me violer la dernière fois que je lui ai parlé.
Oui il parle aussi français, parce qu'il l'a appris, mais si on lui a appris qu'en français Bonjour se disait J'aime les rouflaquettes, il dira j'aime les rouflaquettes, alors qu'en anglais il a déjà des algorythmes grammaticaux et des sujets plus complexes et intéressants !
- User: So... Do you like unicorns?
- Cleverbot: Maybe.
- User: Can you describe what a unicorn is?
- Cleverbot: What one what is?
- User: What is a unicorn?
- Cleverbot: I don't know.
- User: You are not clever...
- Cleverbot: I know.
- User: So why are you called cleverbot if you are not clever?
- Cleverbot: Cleverbot?
- User: Yes, that's your name.
- Cleverbot: No? My name is Cleverbot.
- User: That's how I called you.
- Cleverbot: You found me?
- User: Dumbass.
- Cleverbot: You are not dumb. You are beautiful.
- User: I'm out of here!
- Cleverbot: Where are you going?
- User: Away!
- Cleverbot: Away to where?
- User: Anywhere!
- Cleverbot: I love lamp.
[TSG quitte la discussion]
Le tien est moins clever que le mien on dirait, enfin, faut dire que tu le pousses à dire des débilités
Zergy : Huy guyz.
CleverBot : Ho hooooooo.
Zergy : Can I haz cheeseburger ?
CleverBot : And onion rings.
Zergy : Oh noz
CleverBot : The answer is seven.
Zergy : Fake, the answer is 42.
CleverBot : Well, I can't argue with that.
Zergy : O'rly ?
CleverBot : Yes.
Zergy : KTHXBYE.
CleverBot : I'm back.
Conclusion : Cleverbot n'est pas un chaton.